The mother and father of our house, Apostle Justin and Tanya, release on Exodus 30:1-10! A place to be near to YHWH and to learn to smell like Him. That incense and sweet aroma is our prayers intermingled with the prayers of the high priest. Let us look at how we pray.
To Glorify Him || Regional Reformation Gathering
The mother and father of our house, Apostle Justin and Tanya, release on Exodus 29:1-46! The importance of walking out of man pleasing to walk into servanthood and priesthood. Dot connecting throughout the word to understand the depth behind the sacrificial system pointing to Yeshua and what He came for.
You Shall Command || Regional Reformation Gathering
The elder sister of the house, Megan, releases on Exodus 27:20-28:43! As we continue to learn about the tabernacle and the priestly garments, Yahweh continues to reveal! Being stuck by familiarity, we will cause an end to His intentions!
We have deliverance on behalf of worshiping YHWH. We must bring the oil. We were set apart because of YHWH, not on our own authority…
The Veil & The Altar: No Way Around || Regional Reformation Gathering
The mother and father of our house, Apostle Justin and Tanya, release on Exodus 26:31-27:19! The tabernacle is the means to be close to Him to learn how to live like Him, so you can be holy and dwell with Him. That requires us to build a sanctuary. If you want Him in your details, get to know His.
The Tabernacle || Regional Reformation Meeting
The mother and father of our house, Apostle Justin and Tanya, release on Exodus 25-26:30! Going into detail about The Tabernacle, whose purpose was solely to for YHWH to dwell with us. The tabernacle points to Yeshua. Taking the time to pay attention to the details, because YHWH is in the details!
Covenant: The Circle || Regional Reformation Gathering
The mother and father of our house, Apostle Justin and Tanya, release on Exodus 24! Covenant is our foundation, and we get to dive into its pattern. Learning to operate in covenant life. What it can produce to be a people who hear and obey. There is one standard, it is never personalized.
Loving Instructions From a Father || Regional Reformation Gathering
The mother and father of our house, Apostle Justin and Tanya, release on Exodus 21:1-23:33! His instructions are to show us how to properly operate in a community. Going over the different types of commandments. Yeshua came to add to his father’s instructions and to take the punishment for us not following them. How to apply these laws to your life now!
I AM Your Leader, Revealed || Regional Reformation Gathering
The mother and father of our house, Justin and Tanya, release on Exodus 18-20!! What we continue to see is that experiences don’t change the heart. It’s walking out the process that transforms! These three chapters are so significant because this is the beginning of the Israelites stepping into covenant with Yahweh. And HOW to do so. Defining an Amalekite spirit. Characteristics of the appointed judges. Standards flow FROM Covenant.
Testing the One Who Leads You || Regional Reformation Gathering
Megan Hansen releases on Exodus 16:25-17:16! Every single stage of our lives is given with instructions from Him! This Torah portion is a powerful viewpoint of the accountability of a leader when the people step outside of the covering of His instructions. Have a tangible reminder for the generations, so they don’t forget. What does blame afford you? Your testing comes from a hardened heart. YHWH will reestablish order and authority. Ultimately, remember who the real enemy is.
He Wants Us Out of Egypt but He Wants Egypt out of You || Regional Reformation Gathering
The mother and father of our house, Apostle Justin and Tanya, release on Exodus 15:19-16:24!! YHWH wants a partner and now there are consequences to not partner. He will let you get thirsty, to instill there are standards and expectations in our relationship with Him for provision. Look for the patterns! Obedience is where things are revealed, but rest is where they are established. Indications for complaining. Don’t only remember in your need.